Monday, December 30, 2019
Physician Assisted Suicide; A Viable End-of-life Directive
Today, most states do not honor the wills of their terminally ill citizens wishing to end their suffering with dignity and compassion. Even with accurate identification of terminal illness prompting legality of some end-of-life directives, most terminal patients must adhere to conventional symptomatic treatments imposing slow physical and mental deterioration without regard to other feasible options. Information garnered from the experience of Oregon’s legalization of physician assisted suicide illuminates the feasibility of this end-of-life option. Physician assisted suicide is beneficial for terminal patients choosing to circumvent imminent mental and physical indignities; therefore this end-of-life option should be legally executable devoid of prosecution. Today’s medical science makes available accurate identification of terminal illness, predictions of associated pain and suffering, as well as timeline towards diminishing quality of life. Method and accuracy o f palliative prognostics in terminal illness is actively studied in the medical academic arena. Maltoni et al.’s 2012 study concludes survival probabilities using the Palliative Prognostic Score (PaP) method has been extensively validated resulting in high accuracy and reproducibility (p. 446). This greater understanding of life expectancy supports the means for a medical plan of action specific for the patient as defined by the patient, family, and physician. With acknowledgment of terminal illness,Show MoreRelatedIntroduction: . I.Imaging Being Sick For Many Years, Trying1469 Words  | 6 Pagesrapidly. If you were given the choice to end your life, would you do it? II. Medical advances have increased the length of the average life innumerably, by prolonging death, but this involves challenging medical ethics. Keeping a large number of very ill people alive with these medical technologies, there is also a possibility of suffering; discomfort and diminished quality of life. III. Physician assisted suicide is the intentional ending of a person’s life to relieve their pain and suffering. ThoseRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Thesis Statement1679 Words  | 7 Pagespatients’ requests for physician-assisted suicide are now a viable possibility. Knowing the pathways to answering to those patients, as their requests for assisted death persist, is upmost importance. As of June, 9th 2016 California became the fifth state to allow physician-assisted suicide. 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