Sunday, December 22, 2019
Should Prostitution Be Benefit Society - 1701 Words
Legalizing Prostitution Will Benefit Society When many people hear the term prostitution they automatically have a negative thought in their heads. They see the violence, the drugs, and the manipulative things that are said and done to these people, all due to their pimps. What people fail to realize is there is a fine line between human trafficking and prostitution, many people get these two confused. Human trafficking is a different level of prostitution defined as the action of illegally transporting people from one area to another for sexual exploitation. Technically the definition of prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money. Nowhere in this definition did it involve it being forced by another†¦show more content†¦There are many cases as to why people get into prostitution. One of the most common reasons women decide to become a sex worker is usually to help pay for schooling, or other financial debt. Here in California minimum wage is now about ten dollars an hour which is not nearly enough money to support oneself, let alone pay for college loans. In an AlterNet article Celine Bisette talks about how people let ignorance get the best of them as they assume her being a prostitute is a product of sexual abuse. Celine states,†The reality is that I had a happy childhood that was completely devoid of abuse of any kind. I grew up in a very ordinary middle class family. My parents cooked dinner for me every night, helped me with my homework, and told me they loved me every single day.†When people make judgements about why sex workers are doing what they are doing it puts these workers in an uncomfortable position, making them regretful and embarrassed about a job that they like doing. Most people have the common misconception that prostitutes are miserable, and need to drown themselves in drugs just to get through a day’s work for cash, but this is not always the case. In a recent article, Sara Greenmore (who works at a legal brothel in Nevada) touches on this topic as she states, â€Å"The relationships I develop with my clients are genuine and I’m happy to see them leave basking in a glow, relaxed and relieved. Making people feel good aboutShow MoreRelatedIt is Time to Make Prostitution Legal1215 Words  | 5 Pages  In modern society, prostitution become a pretty controversial topic to discuss. Prostitution is the sexual services which involves selling and buying, it is just a simple act for both of two persons without any compulsion. Most people think prostitution should not be legal, certainly some people have different opinions. As we know, prostitution has been called the world’s oldest profession for a long time, it s hould be allowed to exist, if a person choose to use his or her body to make money, whatRead MoreProstitution Is The World s Oldest Profession Essay1478 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Prostitution is said to be the world’s oldest profession. 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Society at large questions the merits of legalizing prostitution, when in fact there are several advantages legalization could create. At a minimum, legalizing harlotry will make the job significantly safer and keepRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized? Essay example858 Words  | 4 PagesLegalizing prostitution would be beneficial to the government and sex workers by creating tax revenue, bettering medical care, and protecting prostitutes against violence. Prostitution is viewed differently throughout society and holds a lot of negative opinions but no one really discuss’ the benefits of prostitution being legalized throughout America. Many people believe in legalizing Marijuana not knowing its positivity and negativity. When legalizing prostitution you should look at the overallRead MoreProstitution As A Dominant Figure1374 Words  | 6 PagesRegardless of the viewpoint that prostitution is immoral, sexual rights are inherent to all people and they have the right to choose to be sexually active in consensual relationships or not. Admittedly, some clients buy the right to mistreat prostitutes and strip respect for human beings from a person in order to fulfill their desire to be a dominant figure (Doll). Many people use this belief as evidence that prostitutes are degraded and their profession should be illegal. However, Kelly J. BellRead MoreA Red Light District on Every Corner Essay1120 Words  | 5 Pageshistory, most civilizations have considered prostitution as an illegal trade, but that does not necessarily mean that making prostitution illegal is the best choice. Many countries including the United States have begun to debate the merit of legalizing prostitution. Before making such an important decision, we must address certain questions. Would legalizing prostitution reduce some of the inequalities and abuse suffered by the men and women involved? Would society lose decades of progress in human rightsRead MoreThree Reasons Why Prostituiton Should Not Be Leagalized in China1758 Words  | 7 Pages   As one of the oldest jobs, prostitution has a long history to be repeate dly decriminalized and internalized by different countries. In Sumerian Records, the earliest record established in 2400 BC, prostitution had been legalized and supported by government. Same as most countries in this era, government founded brothels established in ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Roman and so on. Codex Theodosianus established in 438 AD, legalized prostitution and at the same time, asking for taxesRead MoreShould Prostitution be Legalized?1658 Words  | 7 PagesProstitution is an issue that has been debated in many countries. 22 countries have legalized prostitution. In the United States, prostitution is only legal in 11 rural counties in Nevada. It used to be legal in Rhode Island due to a loophole, but since 2009, it has been illegal. Women are not the only ones who are prostitutes, about 20 to 30% of prostitutes are male, which means both genders are affected by laws against prostitution. Men and women should be allowed to choose how they want to use
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